profile 1 - Elwynn forrest - all around
Profile 2 - Westfall - The Jansen Stead
Profile 12 - Tanaris - Tanaris Trash2
Profile 13 - Stranglethorn Vale - Jaguero isle(homemade)
Profile 14 - Felwood - around Irontree woods(homemade)
Profile 15 - EPL - The Infectis scar Рекомендованные wands и levels:
5 - 13 Lesser Magic Wand
13 - 29 Greater Magic Wand
29 - 37 Star Faller
37 - 44 Jaina's Firestarter
44 - 53 Flaming Incinerator or Wand of Allistarj
53 - 60 Torch of Austen
/script alert = GetInventoryAlertStatus("11"); if alert == 4 then PickupContainerItem(0,1) UseContainerItem(0,1) ; end;